
2015: Most Read Posts

It has been a great year, for which I am thankful. I have learned much, and wrote more (which sounds like a bad ratio). I want to extend a warm, heartfelt thank you to my readers (both of you). I hope this coming year is filled with God's fullest blessing, which often comes from the unexpected, at least that has been my experience.

2016 has a lot in store. I am not far from finishing up the biggest writing project I have ever undertaken, for which I am very excited. I will keep you informed, I promise.

I have not done anything like this in the past, but I thought some of you may enjoy seeing the 10 most popular posts from 2015 out of the 64 I posted. Here they are in order from the last to first.

Happy New Year and Shalom!

10. Good Thoughts on the Church and Functionality

9. Translational Interpretation 

8. Joshua 10:12-15 and Mesopotamian Celestial Omen Texts

7. Immanuel - Our God is With Us - Part VII - The Development of Incarnation Theology

6. Immanuel - Our God is With Us - Part III - Historical Background Continued and Terminology, Definition and Development of Dogma tied.

5. Immanuel - Our God is With Us - Part II - Historical Background

4. Immanuel - Our God Is With Us - Part 4The Hopeless Echad Argument and John Walton's "The Lost World of Genesis One" - Review tied.

3. Immanuel - Our God Is With Us - Part 1

2. How A Nicene Bishop Stole Saturnalia

1. Skip Moen on the Trinity

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