
Apostle Paul - God in Flesh

Unbeknownst to some readers of the New Testament, the Apostle Paul, while attempting to evangelize and maintain his humility hinted at his divine nature. He claimed that he was the God of Israel, Yahweh, the I AM in flesh. Take a look at these irreconcilable proofs that could be seen in no other way by his audience. There is little question that they would have readily understood his claim to God-man-ship. This is probably the underlying reason why the religious leaders tried to kill him, why they wouldn't listen and eventually why he was killed in Rome.

"But by the grace of God I AM what I AM..." 1 Cor. 15:10
"So that you also may know how I AM and what I AM..." Eph. 6:21
"Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I AM..." Col. 1:24 

"Accordingly, though I AM..." Philemon 8

Not only is Paul claiming to be the Ex. 3 I AM, he is also not claiming merely to be one of three "Whos" but the "What"! 

(For the sake of confusion, let it be known that this is a joke, much like many Christological interpretations. In none of these passages did Paul use ego eimi.)

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